How To Adjust Positive And Negative Thread On Thread Cutting Machine ?

1 Remove the eccentric bushing and eccentric shaft from the thread holder, loosen the screws first, and then use a special wrench for the eccentric bushing to rotate the eccentric bushing 180 degrees . Then, place the loosened screws into the screw hole after the rotation of 180 degrees and tighten them (the rolling head and rib stripping head are equipped with 3 eccentric bushing, each with a 180 degree rotation, and tighten them by changing the screw hole). 2 Install the threading roller and place it counterclockwise in 1-2-3 (POSITIVE THREAD) Install the threading roller and place it anticlockwise in 3-2-1 (NEGATIVE THREAD) 3 Upper the rib stripping machine head, tighten the screws, adjust the test bar, and start working